Moyer District Library Logo


Moyer District Library Board of Trustees

2023-2024 Officers and Standing Committees

President: Susan Walker

Vice-President: Jim Hazen

Treasurer: Erin Nuss

Secretary: Heather Killian

Justyna Kincaid

Joy Zimmerman

Books and shelves


Buildings and Grounds

Jim Hazen (Chairperson)

Susan Walker


Erin Nuss (Chairperson)

Susan Walker

Heather Killian

Policy and Personnel

Heather Killian (Chairperson)

Susan Walker

Erin Nuss

Long Range Planning

Joy Zimmerman (Chairperson)

Susan Walker

Justyna Kincaid

Regular Meetings:  

Every month except July and December at 5:30 p.m. at the Moyer District Library.

January meeting will be on Tuesday, January 9th, 2024.

If you need to contact a board member please contact us through email. 

A volunteer board consists of seven trustees elected to 6-yr terms. The board is charged with the responsibility of setting library policies and overseeing operations. 

Please contact the library for more specific information. Board minutes are available online.