Moyer District Library

Meeting Dates Ordinance

  • When Jul 27, 2024 (US/Central / UTC-500)
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Meeting Date Ordinance No. 16-01


  Be it ordained that the regular meeting of the Moyer District Library Board


 of Trustees shall be held at 7:00 P.M. at the Moyer District Library, 618 S.


Sangamon Ave., Gibson City, Illinois on the following dates:


                        August 10, 2016


                        September 14, 2016


                        October 12, 2016


                        November 9, 2016


                        January11, 2017


                        February 8, 2017


                        March 8, 2017


                        April 12, 2017


                        May 10, 2017


                        June 14, 2017


  This Ordinance is effective immediately upon adoption.  Adopted at the Regular Meeting, _6-8-2016__________________.